Our next church-wide event will be the assembly of 1,000 Hygiene Kits – up from 800 kits last year. The assembly will take place on Sunday, May 19th. Rick and Susan Creasy are in the process of ordering all the items needed to assemble the kits. This year we will limit the number of kits a person may assemble so more

people will be able to participate. The time frame to assemble the kits will be 9:30 – 11:00 AM.

Beginning Sunday, April 7, we will begin our Hygiene Kit Campaign at the table set up in the Narthex. We are asking for $5 contributions to help pay for all the items needed to assemble one kit. Braddock Street’s Mission Committee will be contributing to cost of the kits as will the United Women in Faith but your contributions are needed as well.

united women in faith

The United Women in Faith was formerly known as The United Methodist Women. This group has a long history of caring for and empowering women, children, and youth around the world to grow in faith and serve in mission. We have 5 different UWF circles here at Braddock Street. They are listed below with contact information for their group leaders. The current UWF president here at Braddock Street is Megan Pugh

  • Deborah-Ruth Circle – Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the months September through May in room 137. (During June, July and August, this Circle meets once a month off-site.)
    Contact Susan Chesley or Janet Keithley 

  • Mary- Martha Circle– Meets every 3rd Monday at 10:00 AM in Room 103.
    Contact Sue Boltz

  • Susanna Circle– Meets every 2nd Thursday at 10:00 AM in Room 137.
    Contact Susan Creasy  or Susan Morris