Sandi webster

Our dedicated kitchen manager at BSUMC is Sandi Webster. Originally from Roaring Spring, Pennsylvania, Sandi made Virginia her home in 1977 when she came here for college.

With a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology and an associates degree in Education from Eastern Mennonite University, Sandi brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her role. Her professional journey has predominantly been in the non-profit sector, with roles in local churches, education, and even an eight-year stint at Walmart.

Sandi spearheads the Monday Night Community Dinner at BSUMC, a longstanding tradition in the Fellowship Hall. Her commitment shone brightly during the challenging times of the COVID shutdowns, where she ensured the continuation of the dinner by preparing take-out meals and coordinating deliveries to those unable to attend in person.

Sandi's impact extends beyond BSUMC; she is also the director of community management & Operations at Faithworks, Inc., a local faith-based community assistance agency. Additionally, she serves as the board president of Family Promise Northern Shenandoah Valley, a non-profit dedicated to helping families with children experiencing housing instability or homelessness.

Her accolades include receiving the Clara Barton Award during her 14 years of volunteering with the American Red Cross and winning $25,000 from the Walmart Foundation's Fighting Hunger contest in 2010. This grant supported the Mobile Soup Kitchen she initiated and directed at another local church.

Family holds a special place in Sandi's heart. A proud mother of three adult children, a daughter-in-law, and a soon-to-be son-in-law, she cherishes the close-knit bond they share. Her daughter, Kim, serves as an FBI agent, while her sons are Army Veterans, pursuing diverse paths in Seattle, Washington, and locally. Sandi's husband, Jake, passed away in 2014 after a courageous battle with lymphoma.

Beyond her professional and volunteer commitments, Sandi enjoys being outdoors—whether mowing the yard, gardening, camping, or simply watching the birds. As the middle child among eight siblings, she embodies the easygoing, independent, and mediator qualities often associated with birth order theories.