Building Bridges at Braddock / construyendo puentes

Building Bridges at Braddock follows Jesus’ teachings by building relationships with our Latino community to help them feel welcomed and to empower them for success. We partner with Literacy Volunteers Winchester Area to provide English as a second language and with Just Neighbors to help access immigration services.

Every Wednesday from 6:00 - 7:30 PM we offer ESL classes (English as a second language for Spanish speakers) here at Braddock Street UMC. We also offer English language educational child care

during that time. For more information, please contact Margie Hernandez at (540) 667-3366 or

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building bridges at braddock st.

FOLLOWS: The teachings of Jesus in Matthew 25:35,40 - Jesus told us "I was a stranger, and you welcomed me; "...truly I say to you, as soon as you did it to one of these brothers of mine, even to the least of these, you did it to me."

EMPOWERS: Children and adults to strive towards their goals in language and life while building relationships within the community and growing into their God-given potential.

ENABLES: Children and adults to access available community resources and programs.

PRAYS: For our Latino community to feel loved, accepted, and secure, knowing that they belong.

Construyendo Puentes

SIGUE: Las enseñanzas de Mateo 25:35 y 40 -

“Porque tuve hambre, y ustedes me dieron de comer; tuve sed, y me dieron de beber; fui extranjero, y me recibieron." El Rey les responderá: “En verdad les digo que en cuanto lo hicieron a uno de estos hermanos Míos, aun a los más pequeños, a Mí lo hicieron”.


APODERAR: Niños y adultos en sus metas con el aprendizaje del idioma y vida mientras Construyendo relaciones en la comunidad y creciendo en su potencia cuál Dada por Dios.

EQUIPAR: Que niños y adultos tengan acceso a los programas y recursos de la comunidad.

ORACIONES: Que la comunidad latina se sienta amada, aceptada y Segura sabiendo que pertenecen a la comunidad.